For Adults & Children

Free Ballet Videos

Free online ballet lessons for people of all ages and ability, featuring technique videos, full lesson plans and stretching/conditioning tips!

Looking for Youtube ballet lessons? Angelina Jandolo Dance School Online presents a series of completely free classes for those hoping to learn, practice and train from home, catering for adults, children and seniors with a curated online ballet lesson plan.

Angelina leads the lessons, assisted by guest spots from her teaching team.

In addition to routines to copy, there’ll be individual technique videos looking into the specifics of every movement, stretching and preparation exercises to perform, and a look into the theory behind the dance.

Click the button below to jump in!

Ready to dance? Click the button below to open our Youtube channel
and find the level of dance that’s right for you!

A local legacy

Angelina and her team of teachers have been helping students to perfect the art of ballet for a decade in South East London, with a school of over 500 students and a 100% IDTA pass rate. The new online ballet lesson plan distills much of this knowledge into easily-copyable segments, with additional tecnique added to help correct movement.

Learn at your own pace

With structured, curated lessons plans, and reference videos to ensure that your technique is on the right track, Angelina Jandolo Dance Online provides courses that allow you to start at a level you’re happy with. Over time, we’ll be releasing material for beginners, advanced dancers, pointe, seniors, progressive ballet technique, jazz and tap.

Online Ballet FAQs

Can I learn ballet online?

A good question. There are a huge number of benefits to receiving teaching in person from group or private ballet lessons, but online learning is an excellent way to learn the basics, update your form/technique or simply keep the right muscles moving in preparation for getting back to in-person classes.

Our online ballet lessons are designed at different levels for a reason: for real beginners, there are stretching exercises, and basic steps to learn. For those who are already familiar with ballet, we’ll offer routines to copy, and barre exercises that can be performed holding on to a chair, for example.

For seniors, we’ll be following the RAD Silver Swans program, specifically designed for older students!

How will I be able to correct my technique?

Angelina and her team are preparing an online glossary of ballet techniques that will help you to check your form against the video. While there’s no substitute for in-person tuition, understanding the shapes, form and lines of movement in ballet is incredibly important, and will help you to check your own posture and execution of the techniques involved.

What will I need?

The best thing about being at home, of course, is that no one can see you! Above all then, you’ll need to wear clothes that you are comfortable in, but remember that if you’re performing in a mirror, for example, baggier clothes will make it difficult to correct your technique.

If you don’t have ballet shoes, use a pair of socks for now, although for pointe work you will of course need special shoes!

What are the differences between your beginner, intermediate and pointe classes?

Beginner classes are suitable for anyone who has had no previous experience, or for those who are returning to classes after a long break.
Intermediate classes are for anyone who has previous experience of dancing or has attended the beginner class for a while and would like to take their technique to the next level.
Pointes classes are more advanced, and are only open to people with previous dance experience at an intermediate level. The shoes worn in this class are reinforced at the tip to allow the wearer to stand on their toes.

These are all free? What’s the catch?

Here’s the thing – all of the classes we produce for online learning will always be free! Why? Because honestly, if we’re going to teach you ballet for real, that means in-person. It means being able to appraise your movements from all angles, and it means being able to give confident corrections in the room with you.

That’s true of all dance styles. You can learn online, and if you follow these videos, you will, but we could never bring the standard of teaching we aspire to unless we’re there with you, and therefore would never charge for the videos we’re producing.

While we’re holed up in quarantines across the world, use these videos to learn and study, to keep in shape, to practice. When we’re back out in the real world, we’d love to see you in class, and we’ll have a lot of those waiting for you.

When classes begin again in-person, can I sign up?

We would be hugely happy to welcome you to our school, and have classes running for children and adults across the South East of London. So why not start with these online ballet lessons and see how you get on, then take a taster with us when we’re back to real life?

Meet Angelina & Her Team


Angelina Jandolo is a Fellow of Ballet with the International Dance Teachers Association dance board, has taught and performed with choreographers including Wayne McGregor, and has taken thousands of students (including other teachers) through dance exams, with 100% pass rates.

While growing up in France, she had the pleasure of working with French choreographer Claude Brumachon, as well as the Graslin Opera as a dancer in the opera Orfeo and Eurydice.

Moving to London, she then studied at the Trinity Laban Conservatoire where she gained a Bachelors Degree with Honours in Dance Theatre.

She has taught with and danced for major companies including English National Ballet, Random Dance, Cathy Waller, Theatre workout, Watkins Dance, 2Faced, Cody Choi, Vikki Burn, Laura McGill, and Yuyu Rau.

You can learn more about Angelina and the rest of the team by clicking the button below!

Term Dates
Summer 3

29/07/2024 - 19/8/2024 (No class on bank holiday 26/8)

Autumn 1

2/9/24 - 27/10/24 (8 weeks)

Autumn 2

4/11/24 - 22/12/24 (7 weeks)

Spring 1

6/1/25 - 16/2/25 (6 weeks)

Spring 2

24/2/25 - 6/4/25 (6 weeks)

Summer 1

22/4/25 - 25/5/25 (5 weeks - No classes on bank holiday Monday 21/4 and 5/5 so Monday classes 3 weeks only)

Summer 2

2/6/25 - 20/7/25 (7 weeks)

Children's Lessons



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© 2025 Angelina Jandolo Dance